This machine is a chopping sugarcane harvester, adopting crawler walking chassis and using hydraulic to power the walking and working system. Using integrated control technology of mechanic, electricity and hydraulic it is of high operating efficiency and reliability when harvesting. It can successively complete the operations such as cane top cutting, lodged cane lifting and branching, root cutting, feeding, conveying, chopping, removing cane leaves and other impurities from cane billets, andgathering cane billets into the collector.
Harvesting mde: chopping
配套動力Power equipped:97 kW(130HP)
生產率Efficiency:>5 t/h
含雜率Percentage of trash:<10%
損失率Loss rate:<5%
宿根破頭率Rate of stubble breakage:<15%
蔗段長度Billet length:200~300 mm
噸蔗燃油耗Fuel consumption:<2.5L/t
適用行距Adaptable inter-row distance:≥ 900 mm
結構重量Weight:7000 kg
外形尺寸(長×寬×高)Overall dimensions:8500× 2250×3750 mm
地址:廣西南寧市大學東路170號 電話:0771-3243203